Modify Profile |  |
For your first login you will be taken to your profile.

- Click to return to your profile at anytime.
- This is know as the menu bar. Throughout your site sub-menu bars may appear with tabs for options.
- Online Shop Discount - used for Trade Account Members in eCommerce.
- Manager Login - when ticked your administration URL will take you directly to draft view of your website. Used for managers that wish to see draft changes to their website without going near this admin console.
- Content Error Emails - all main administrators should tick this, you will receive an email if there is a broken link, external or internal, or you have deleted a file that is still being used on your website.
- Anyone who wishes to receive an email showing base hits on their website need to select here. Monthly trends are the most accurate to gauge what is happening with your site as anything shorter than this invariably won't have enough data.
- Used for Customer Relations Management (CRM) only, i.e. if you maintain your clients information and / or billing times.
- The defaulted number of rows that is shown when in any tabulated area of the administration. 15 rows is about right for the standard monitor.