Understanding and Completing the Page Optimisation Tab |  |
Page Optimisation is done on EVERY page and is specific to that page only. It is the home page that encompasses you
entire website overview via the Meta Description and Meta Keywords.

- Site Tree Label
The only function of the site tree label is for your identification of the page name. It is normally the same at the folder that the page is attached to.
- NB/ it is the Folder node that creates your website navigation, not this node being the Page node\
- SEO Phrases
This as a very important part of SEO and it has two functions.
- Function 1 - They are what help search engines to send someone straight to the specific page within your website when they use that phrase or something very similar to it via the search engine, i.e. when using Google Search
- Function 2 - Identifies to search engines what the page is about when you have a link from another page to it within your website. i.e. "click here". The search engine will see the 'click here' and read the SEO Phrases sitting behind it.
Generally we say to decide on your SEO Phrases at the beginning of creating your page, then build the rest of the SEO and the content of your page around the SEO Phrases. However it is ok to have your page content written and extract the SEO Phrases back from it.
- Have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 SEO Phrases
- Normal sentence structure
- Comma separated
When creating your SEO Phrases, think about what a person would be typing into the search engine (Google) to find that specific page on your website. Example: Your are a coach transport company in the South Island of New Zealand and the page you are creating is about providing wedding transport, you may choose SEO Phrases like this:-
Wedding transport in the South Island, coach transfers for your wedding, comfortable wedding transportation
Search Engines are smart ... they will ignore joining words like 'in the' and 'for your' and will automatically create plurals or singular's from the base word.
Always think what people would be typing into the search engine if they were the person looking for this page. It is often easy to put that cap on as being so involved in the page yourself can sometimes be restrictive. For example the word transport on it's own is not specific enough and unlikely to be typed into the search engine on it's own as the search result would be way to broad for the end user.
- TIP TO REMEMBER/ SEO Phrases need to be repeated 3-4 times within your page content so make sure you can make a sentence that is logical to the end user from each of your phrases.
- NB/ you can always come back and edit SEO Phrases at anytime.
- Character Counter
This will count the number of characters you are typing in. Not enough is blue box and red writing; correct is blue box and blue writing; ok but maybe too long is a blue background; too much is all red.
- HTML Page Title
This is a direct and relevant summary of what you page is about. It must incorporate the SEO Phrases and should not be any longer than 100 characters. It is displayed at the top of the browser, on the tab of the browser and on the users start bar. You may wish to start this section with the name of your company for easy identification. i.e. if someone is looking at many different website all about coach transport, you want them to see your companies name on your tab / window to take them back to it easily.
- Start with your company name.
- Maximum 100 characters
- Use normal sentence structure with logical grammar.
- Repeat your SEO Phrases exactly
Example : ABC Tours | We specialise in wedding transport in the South Island of New Zealand. All our coach transfers for your wedding will be decorated for your occasion and we can guarantee comfortable wedding transportation for all your guests.
- Page URL Keywords
These appear after the address of your website in the URL. They are repeating to the search engines yet again what your page is about, remember, Repetition, Honesty, Directness & Relevance.
Search engines will again create plurals or singular's of the word that you chose, so there is no need to duplicate.
Generally it is recommend to take the key words from the SEO Phrases.
- Most important words first in the line
- Maximum 7 words
- Words only, no comma's in between
- Repeat the keywords from your SEO Phrases
Example : transport wedding coach south island new zealand
- META Description: Page description seen on search engines
This is displayed by the search engines under the main heading of their search results. It is really important for the end user as when they are scrolling through the search results it is identifying what the page is about and whether it is actually what they are after.
If you leave this section blank it will revert to the Home Page node META Description which is ok, but not specific about the page you are on. Generally you can copy and paste the HTML Page Title to this box, without the company name at the beginning.
- Between 100 and 160 characters, Google cuts the sentence off at around 160 characters.
- Normal sentence structure
- Can repeat the HTML Page Title if you wish
Example : We specialise in wedding transport in the South Island of New Zealand. All our coach transfers for your wedding will be decorated for your occasion and we can guarantee comfortable wedding transportation for all your guests.
Summary of the Page Optimisation Tab
Repetition | Honesty | Directness | Relevance
By repeating the SEO Phrases we have meet part of this step, you will still need to repeat these phrases in your page content. We have shown honesty by having these tabs visible to the end user via search engines and will do so again in the page content. We have been direct and relevant with all phrases and keywords as they are very specific for the page we are creating.
- META Keywords
Used by Search Engines to give them a little bit more information. If you leave this section blank it will revert to the Home Page node META Keywords. These are not vital per page as they are an older way of doing keywords.
- Sub page navigation information
This is used when you have Folders and Pages or sub pages. This will display when this option is used.